Inositol is a natural carbohydrate molecule that our bodies produce from glucose. Some individuals do not produce enough inositol and therefore make it necessary to supplement. The nutrient can also be found in foods, such as beans, brewer’s yeast, cantaloupe, citrus fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, lecithin, and whole grains
Inositol powder from Biovea is a potent supplement that is easily absorbed by the body. It delivers its essential compounds to the brain to promote healthy functioning of the nerves and muscles, as well as helping the liver process fats.
600mg tub of pure powdered inositol
May reduce symptoms associated with anxiety
Supports healthy functioning of the nervous system
Effective at supporting individuals with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Vegan Product
189 Servings per tub
Serving Size: 0.6 grams (600mg per serving)
Dose: Take 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon daily between after meals or at bedtime.
Keep out of reach of children
While inositol is mainly known for its ability to support the healthy functioning of the nervous system, therefore reducing symptoms that are associated with depression, stress, and anxiety, Inositol supplementation has been shown in clinical research to be particularly effective for people with PCOS due to the positive effect is has on promoting insulin sensitivity, it has been shown in some studies to be more effective at supporting the management of PCOS symptoms than medications.
According to a study that was conducted in 2011 by Fertility and Sterility, researchers concluded that INOSITOL powder might improve pregnancy rate for those with insulin resistance and PCOS —33.3% improvement rate compared to 13.3% that were not administered an INOSITOL supplement.(1) For other INOSITOL benefits, more studies need to be conducted.